Apply to Grayson College

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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
  • 1 Uppercase letter
  • 1 Lowercase letter
  • 1 Number
  • 1 Special character
Application Type

Enrollment Plan
Enrollment Plan (CWL)
Enrollment Plan (Hidden)
Please select a Discipline and Major in the fields below: !! hacky way to preserve this list of program/disciplines.
Enrollment Plan (Hidden - CWL)
Please select a Discipline and Major in the fields below: !! hacky way to preserve this list of program/disciplines.
Commercial Truck Driving
Hidden Fields: Truck Driving
Hidden Fields: Mailing Address
Applicant Details
Please format MM/DD/YYYY
Hold the Control key on Windows or Command key on Mac to select multiple options
If International Address - Select "International"
Education Information

High School
Please format MM/YYYY
Please format MM/YYYY

College Section
Colleges - Transfer
Colleges - Previous Attendance
Have you attended any other colleges or universities?

If yes, click the 'Add another response' link below to add another institution. You can enter up to three institutions.
Texas Residency Questions 

Texas Address
It looks like the mailing address you entered is outside of Texas. Please provide your current residential address, which must be within Texas.

If your residential address is outside of Texas, please review the questions above.
Special Populations

Please Read
Because you have indicated that you are an employee at TMC, we wanted to inform you of an opportunity called the Adult Promise.

The Adult Promise is a partnership between Grayson College and select employers, allowing employees the opportunity to earn a certificate or degree with little to no out-of-pocket tuition costs or fees.

In addition, employees will receive academic support and other resources from the Grayson College team to help you succeed in your studies.
Adult Promise Initial Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for the financial and academic support, you must agree to the following statements and fulfill the commitments within one year of pledging:
Adult Promise Ongoing Eligibility Requirements
In order to maintain eligibility for the financial and academic support offered through the Adult Promise continuing scholars must:
Adult Promise Opt-Out
Adult Promise Release, Consent, & Certification Agreement
Non-Citizen Residency Questions

My signature indicates that I certify that all information provided in the application is true and correct. I understand that information submitted will be relied upon by College officials to determine my status of admission and residency eligibility and give Grayson College permission to contact me via phone, text or email.